Group 1: Hounds
Height: 60 – 70 cm
Energy Level: Moderate to high
Original Function: Hunting
Lifespan: 12 – 14 yrs
Recommended for: Active people & families.
Note: Not many in Australia.
Group 1: Hounds
Height: 60 – 70 cm
Energy Level: Moderate to high
Original Function: Hunting
Lifespan: 12 – 14 yrs
Recommended for: Active people & families.
Note: Not many in Australia.
The Sloughi’s is from North Africa mainly Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. The Sloughi was used to hunt desert hare, fennec (desert fox), gazelle, large mountain gazelle, hyena, ostrich, and jackal. Today it hunts mainly desert hare, jackals and fennec, and protects goat and sheep herds.
Like all sight hounds they are open space hunters relying on their excellent vision, speed and stamina to catch prey. They chase anything that moves on sight, no matter how far off. Although the breed hunts mainly by sight, it also relies on scent and sound.
Aloof and cautious with people they do not know, they are gentle, affectionate and very loyal to their owner. Once bonded they do not always change owners with ease. They like children brought up to respect animals, and harmonize well with other pets when raised with them.
Appearance: Large frame marked by its muscular leanness. Head wedged shaped with large dark eyes. Ears not too large, triangular in shape, they hand down the side of the head. Tail long & fine, without fringes or long hair. (similar looking to a Greyhound.)
Temperament: Loyal to owner, affectionate with family. Aloof with strangers.
Characteristics: Quiet, of dignified bearing. Noble, haughty and extremely expressive with the instincts of a hunting hound.
Colour: Sable or fawn in all shades, with or without a black mask. Also permissible a coat more or less dark, white, brindle, black with tan points; brindle pattern on fawn background on head, feet and sometimes breast. Dark coats with a white patch on chest undesirable. Solid black or white undesirable.
Coat: Hair tough and fine.
Grooming: The smooth coat needs minimal care.
Exercise: They require regular daily exercise of long walks and off lead running to stay in shape.