Yakutian Laika

Group 6: Utility
Male: 55 – 59 cm
Female: 53 – 57 cm

Energy Level:  High
Original Function: Sledging, hunting
Lifespan: 10 – 12 yrs

Recommended for: People who are keen to learn about the breed and their needs.

Note: Not many in Australia

About This Breed

The Yakutian Laika is an ancient dog breed which was naturally bred by the native people of North East Russia as a sled and hunting dog. Their skills as working dogs have shown the Yakutian Laika as a versatile breed not only in Russia but also in many countries on different continents.

General Characteristics

Appearance: Yakutian Laika is a dog of medium size, strong, compact, well-muscled, with moderately long legs and thick skin with no signs of looseness.
The coat is well developed and should be sufficient for living and working in severe Arctic conditions. Sexual dimorphism is clearly pronounced, males are stronger and more powerful than females.

Temperament: Bold, lively, close to man, friendly, sociable and energetic dog.

Colour: White and any patching (bicolour or tricolour).

Coat: Thick, glossy, straight, coarse, of medium length, with very well developed thick and dense undercoat. On the neck it forms a mane, especially clearly pronounced in males; thick feathers on the back sides of the front and hind legs; the tail feathered with a small fringe. Coat is shorter on the head and front sides of the legs.


Grooming: Should be brushed weekly to prevent matting and tangles. When shedding heavily, it is a good idea to brush him every day to keep the hair from getting onto everything. Use a pin brush and metal comb when grooming. A deshedder or detangler may also be used to make your job a little easier.
Since this is a working dog, excessive trimming of his coat is not necessary. Trim between his foot pads to keep snow and ice or other debris from accumulating and causing him irritation. His coat naturally repels dirt and he does not have an odour so bathing should only be done two to three times a year. Trim his nails when needed.

Exercise: Plenty of exercise to keep them fit and happy.

Health: Can be prone to Eye Problems, Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GDV) or Bloat, hearing issues.