
Owners With Allergies

For owners with allergies there are breeds available that minimise any reaction and ways to prepare your home to help keep allergens at bay when you have a dog.

Some breeds are great for first-time or inexperienced owners. However others need a more experienced owner to understand their unique characteristics.

Additionally the available breeds are more limited when trying to minimise allergens. You want dogs that are minimal shedders.

In this second question we’ll find out about your dog ownership background. Are you a seasoned dog owner or maybe this is all new to you?

Do you have any experience owning a dog?

No Experience — You are first-time dog owner. You’ve never owned a dog or looked after one, but you are willing to learn.

Some Experience — You’ve cared for a dog before but have not been totally responsible for their exercise and training (maybe as a child or minded a friend’s dog). You are willing to learn more about dog ownership.

Experienced — You have successfully owned and cared for a dog before. You know the responsibilities and are willing to update any gaps in your knowledge.

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