Black Russian Terrier

Group 6: Utility
Male: 66 – 72 cm
Female: 64 – 70 cm

Energy Level:  Moderate
Original Function: Military working dog, protection
Lifespan: 10 – 12 yrs

Recommended for: Experienced handlers.

Note: Not many in Australia

About This Breed

The Black Russian Terrier was developed by the former Russian Red Army to guard military installations etc. They required a dog able to work independently and to withstand various climatic conditions. The basic breeds used were the Airedale, Giant Schnauzer and the Rottweiler. The Giant Schnauzer for its intelligence and quick reactions; the Airedale for its leadership, temperament and stamina; the Rottweiler for its firm stature and fearlessness. The Giant Schnauzer contributed the most to its appearance.

The Blackie is a natural working dog, protective without undue aggression, controllable, easy to train, loves to work or be the center of attention in the show ring, loves kids and gets on well with other animals.

They are an excellent tracker and schutzhund (police dog).  They excel at agility and obedience trials. The Blackie is a house dog and does not do well if kenneled, they must live as part of your family, and must be socialized from the start to new people and situations.

Basic obedience is a must as they will grow into a large strong dog and you must be the boss so there is no dominance problems as they mature, firm gentle training is the way to do this and the Blackie is eager to learn and please you.

General Characteristics

Appearance: Large strong body, with massive bone structure & well-developed muscles. Long with moderately narrow skull. The moustache & the beard give the muzzle a truncated & square appearance. Eyes are relatively small, oval shaped, squinted & dark. Ears relatively small, triangular, with frontal edges adjoining the cheek bones. Tail set high.

Temperament: Intelligent, Extremely energetic, strong, stable temperament but very lively, with strong defence reactions

Colour: Black or black with grey hairs.

Coat: Rough, hard, ample and extremely dense. The seemingly broken coat is between 4-10 cm in length and covers the entire body.

Grooming: They need regular grooming if you wish it keep their coat at its natural length or can be kept clipped back to keep grooming at a minimum.

Exercise: Extremely energetic, they need regular daily exercise to keep them happy and healthy.
