
Group 6: Utility
Height: 70 – 76cm

Energy Level:  Low – Moderate
Original Function: Guarding
Lifespan: 8 – 10 yrs

Recommended for: Knowledgeable handlers/families.

About This Breed

The Mastiff is an ancient breed of dog, having had varied roles throughout history, from war dogs and bear baiting, to guarding castles. The breed hit its lowest point after The Second World War. Food rationing made it very difficult for people to keep large dogs. As a consequence numbers had dwindled to the point the breed had almost died out.

The Mastiff’s name today is the Old English Mastiff, as their lineage trace back comes from two surviving English strains. They were used in England for hunting and guarding, peasants kept them to ward off wolves and robbers, their size alone is very deterring. They are a good natured dog normally gentle and docile, they are a loyal family companion.

Mastiffs raised with love and care in a family situation make delightful, protective, loyal companions. In spite their impressive size and fearsome look, by nature, Mastiffs are the most phlegmatic dogs of the dogdom. They are generally placid by nature.

When buying a Mastiff be prepared for a big responsibility. Choose a registered and reputable breeder. A Mastiff puppy needs lots of love, training, a good, sensible, quality balanced diet with lots of socialisation with gentle handling.

General Characteristics

Appearance: Extra large solid body with a deep wide chest. Broad head with small eyes and ears that hang down. Tail long.

Temperament: Calm, affectionate to owners, but capable of guarding.

Characteristics: Large, massive, powerful, symmetrical, well-knit frame. A combination of grandeur and courage.

Colour: Short and close-lying, but not too fine over shoulders, neck and back.

Coat: Apricot-fawn, silver-fawn, fawn, or dark fawn-brindle. In any case, muzzle, ears and nose should be black with black around the orbits, and extending upwards between them.

Grooming: The smooth, short-haired coat is easy to groom. Brush with a firm bristle brush and wipe over with a piece of towel or chamois for a gleaming finish. Bathe or dry shampoo when necessary. This breed is an average shedder.

Exercise: Regular exercise is needed, they are inclined to be on the lazy side so exercise with a purpose will motivate them more to do it.

Health: This breed, some may suffer from hip dysplasia, bloat and eye problems.